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Google Calendar Appointment Slots 2019

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Google Calendar Appointment Slots

posted Sep 26, 2017, 12:00 PM by
Need to set up a conferencing schedule for students and/or parents? Use the Google Calendar appointment slots feature. See directions below. If you need a 1:1 tutorial drop by the U32Library.

Go to your Google Calendar and click on a day to create an event. In the pop-up window, select Appointment slots (see top right of window). Name your appointments and enter the length of time for each appointment. Click the Edit details to further customize the appointment slots.
Customize your appointment slots here by adding a title, time block, location and description. If this is a recurring appointment slot select the Repeat box and see Step 3 for further instructions. Share the blue link to your Google Classroom, via email, or on a website. Don't forget to SAVE.

For recurring appointment follow the below prompts after selecting the Repeat box in Step 2.

After saving your appointment slot yourGooglecalendar will show the blocked window of appointment time.
The user who visits appointment slots page will see the available spots. They can click on a time slot that fits their schedule and sign up. Below if a view of my personal email calendar.
Your calendar view after guests have signed up for appointment slots.

What Are Appointment Slots In Google Calendar

Appointment slots in google calendar

Schedule Appointments In Google Calendar

The widget would show availability (by looking at free/busy info from Google Calendar) in slots of time determined by a setting (Eg. 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day etc). So for example if my google calendar had a busy slot for tomorrow from 11:10 - 13:20. We wrote our first comprehensive guide on how to use Google Calendar back in 2019. But a lot has changed since then! With so many teams going remote, an efficient calendar is a must-have tool. So we rewrote this guide from scratch using the latest Google Calendar settings and features that protect your focus and make you more productive.